Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 8th

I've been telling you in the previous post how hectic that day was. But that was only the beginning of the wonderful International Women's day. At job I had some nice surprises: received a perfume that quickly found its owner in my grandma's person, a beautiful yellow rose (my favorite color when it comes to flowers) and a pizza and cake treat. We even got off 2 hours earlier which turned out to be a great idea. After work I went with 2 of my coworkers to have a coffee and relax a little. I received a tulip from a local VIP. Done my paying the fees round and finally got home only to get ready for the theater.

Ah! I forgot to tell that my brother and his girlfriend offered us some theater tickets for Friday. Only that morning my grandma woke up with fever and we had one spare place. Mom talked to my aunt but she couldn't come. Who else? Then mom suggested my neighbor and things were settled. Time to go. But couldn't get a taxi. It seemed that every taxi company in town turned of its phones and were nowhere to be reached. It took us 45 minutes and some steel nerves but we arrived at the theater 5 minutes before the play started. Surprise, surprise! We were 7 not 6 as the tickets I had in my purse. I only had time to say hello before my brother took me aside to ... buy water. He asked me what about the neighbor and I asked him what about the other person. It seemed that both of them were there in lieu of my grandma and, lack of communication, we were now in an odd situation. Of course there were no tickets left 5 minutes before the play. I gave my brother the tickets and asked him to take care of the ladies and I went having a late walk in the city. Nice, huh!

Still startled by the above events I called my boyfriend. He reassured me he'll be there in no time. Meanwhile, as enough wasn't enough, I call a good friend and find out that she had a crappy day: she was forced to quit. We concluded we need to meet and so I ended up with my boyfriend and my best friend at the restaurant. After reassuring my neighbor in zillions of messages that I was OK and that she should enjoy the play, our little group at the restaurant grew, as after the play my brother, my mom and my neighbor also joined us.

What a day!


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